
Ps4 controller led mods
Ps4 controller led mods

ps4 controller led mods ps4 controller led mods

This mod makes it possible to empty your clip in no time. These controllers allow you to shoot weapons at speeds faster than your opponents, giving you a technical advantage while also allowing you to adjust rates manually. The MegaMods PS4 controller comes pre-equipped with up to 20 slots which are customizable, nine pre-configured modifications and up to 1000 customization options for the controller. The prints are done using high resolution with any combination of different shades of colors your mind can imagine. At MegaMods, you can get an airbrush paint job for your PS4 controller. Modifications also extend to the design and look of your PS4 controller which would include the color and skin. Modified PlayStation 4 controllers come equipped with features that allow you to shoot and reload faster, sprint and run longer while playing games with just the click of a button. So if you are looking to buy modded controllers for PS4, then the MegaMods gamepad is one of the best modded PS4 controllers for sale. The mods of these gamepads are back buttons, extended triggers, rapid-fire, fast reload and much more.

ps4 controller led mods

The purpose of modified controllers is to enhance the gaming experience to increase performance, speed, accuracy, ease of use, etc. A modded PS4 controller is a regular controller which are modified in a way that adds new features, functions, and capabilities which are absent in the original one.

Ps4 controller led mods